This striking clutch Alexa, is an absolute must-have for a night out. This bag has glitter in the color old pink, beige color. When the light shines on it in a different way, the clutch changes color again. This clutch comes with an extra chain that you can attach to the bag, so you can wear the bag over your shoulder. On the inside, this bag has a main compartment with one inner pocket. The dimensions (width / height / depth) of this clutch are 20x11x6 cm.
1. Fit & Sizing: Some of our items are smaller or larger than usual. This makes it difficult to choose the right size online. By selling these products in our physical store, we can personally advise our customers and ensure that they go home with the perfect size.
2. Fragile products: Certain products are fragile and require extra care or explanation about the use. In our store we can give this extra explanation personally, so that our customers know for sure that they use the product in the right way and can enjoy it.
3. Exclusive items: Some items are special and we want to keep them exclusive to our physical store. This gives us the opportunity to always have these products in stock for our loyal customers who take the time to visit us in the store.
4. Inventory Management: To ensure we don’t miss any sizes in our physical store, we prioritize the availability of these items in-store. This means we choose not to sell these items online, so we can best serve our customers in-store.
5. Sustainability: We are aware of the impact that shipping has on the environment. Sending packages back and forth contributes to higher CO2 emissions. By increasing the threshold for online purchases for certain items, we hope to reduce our ecological footprint and protect our planet.
We hope you understand these choices and cordially invite you to visit our physical store, where our team is ready to help and advise you.
You can only try on & buy this item in our store
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tried on somewhere else and you may have a size larger or smaller
needed? We can send this article to you but this is not possible
more exchanged or returned. App to 06-23342057 for more information.
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This striking clutch Alexa, is an absolute must-have for a night out. This bag has glitter in the color old pink, beige color. When the light shines on it in a different way, the clutch changes color again. This clutch comes with an extra chain that you can attach to the bag, so you can wear the bag over your shoulder. On the inside, this bag has a main compartment with one inner pocket. The dimensions (width / height / depth) of this clutch are 20x11x6 cm.
1. Fit & Sizing: Some of our items are smaller or larger than usual. This makes it difficult to choose the right size online. By selling these products in our physical store, we can personally advise our customers and ensure that they go home with the perfect size.
2. Fragile products: Certain products are fragile and require extra care or explanation about the use. In our store we can give this extra explanation personally, so that our customers know for sure that they use the product in the right way and can enjoy it.
3. Exclusive items: Some items are special and we want to keep them exclusive to our physical store. This gives us the opportunity to always have these products in stock for our loyal customers who take the time to visit us in the store.
4. Inventory Management: To ensure we don’t miss any sizes in our physical store, we prioritize the availability of these items in-store. This means we choose not to sell these items online, so we can best serve our customers in-store.
5. Sustainability: We are aware of the impact that shipping has on the environment. Sending packages back and forth contributes to higher CO2 emissions. By increasing the threshold for online purchases for certain items, we hope to reduce our ecological footprint and protect our planet.
We hope you understand these choices and cordially invite you to visit our physical store, where our team is ready to help and advise you.
Try on in store
Our large boutique is located in the south of our country, Sittard. We are happy to help you from head to toe in making the right decision. Plan a shopping appointment.
I still want to buy this item!
Did you try this item somewhere else and do you need a size bigger or smaller? We can send this item to you but it can no longer be exchanged or returned. App to 06-23342057 for more information.
If you wish to contact us, you can do so personally or electronically. This page describes all the options for you.